Pregnancy Treatments

Don't trust anyone else

Pregnancy massage therapy delivered by our specially Certified Prenatal/Postnatal massage specialists is useful for mothers in their second or third trimester of a low-risk pregnancy (with an abundance of caution, we do not perform massages during the first trimester). If you are having a higher risk pregnancy, you should discuss your desire for a massage with your OB/GYN first. Pregnancy Facials can be done at anytime.

Pre-Natal full body massages are done primarily on your side using special full body pillows to provide maximum comfort. During your intake interview, your therapist will propose a customized massage based on your specific problems. Lower back pain, aching joints, swollen feet are all problems that massage can directly help reduce. Indirectly, many mothers experience lower stress levels, better sleep, and even improved digestion afterward.

Post-natal, or post-partem, full body massages helps new mothers with the most common physical issues following even the easiest pregnancy. Pelvic ligament and joint pain, lower back strain, as well as the residual body aches and stiffness all mothers experience after birth can be helped with a certified massage therapist. Your positioning will depend on your current physical comfort level and may be on your side.